Samstag, 18. Juli 2015

(The Sims 2) APOCALYPSE: Hope Apoca... A Light shines in the Dark


Sul Sul!

For the whole huuuuuge set of Apocalypse rules,
Let the suffering begin ;)
 Hope Apoca has managed to escape the zombies that attacked the car on her way home from college. Now she is out alone, wondering where her driver went and if she'll ever see him again.
 The land is barren, and rough winds blow.
It's freezing cold, and radiation is in the air.
Hope needs a shelter.
 This is all she got.
 It is depressing.
 Luckily, Hope's driver survived thanks to having stayed in the car.
He unloads what little Hope brought with her from Le Tour:
her diploma,
some Essence of Life,
and a strange apparatus told to make you happier when you're already happy (???).
 So here she is, and there is nothing she can do but lay on the bed,
daydream about different times,
and wait for the things to come.
The first to come, of course, is the paperboy.
 Hope grabs the newspaper to look for job offers.
But except for the military looking for people to help fight the zombies, nothing.
And Hope doesn't feel like fighting zombies, right now.
 As toxic ash begins to be blown around outside,
Hope notices through the window that there are others.
There are survivors.
Some people still look normal.
Maybe there is still hope... even for Hope.
 But these thoughts get overruled fast by her loneliness and desperation.
It's a long night and sleep doesn't come easy.
 In the morning, Hope checks the new newspaper.
Still nothing that seems useful.
 Water is scarce, and clean water is practically non-existent.
All Hope can do to freshen up is to keep washing her hands over and over.
 The food rationing is harsh, but actually Hope is still lucky,
because she lives in a single household.
How do families manage with only one big meal a day?
 Finally a job offer shows that is of medium interest for Hope.
The scientists call for people to come and help find out what exactly happened at the meltdown, and how it would be possible to re-install the electric power to the region.
 Because of her moderate skills and positive mood showing against all the desperate und depressive people at work, Hope is soon promoted. At least she can now pay the water bill.
 The hard-strained sink breaks once and again.
 Hope has nothing much to do at home, so when she is feeling halfway okay, she concentrates on skill-building.

 Promotions come.
 Keeping in touch with acquaintances and friends is hard in this world.
Somehow the scientists managed to install a phone line once every Tuesday from noon to midnight. So that is the time when Hope tries to call up the people she knows and catch up on news.
 Only in the car that drives her to work,
Hope can feel safe on the streets.
 One day she decides to try the Eclectic and Enigmatic Energizer.
The woman who sold it to her, said it was for emergencies.
Well, Hope decides THIS is an emergency.
 Hope is feeling more and more lonely.
She wonders if she will ever get married.
She misses Colin.
 And playing chess all by herself is getting old.
 Hope has studied a lot on her skills,
and promotions keep coming.
 Hope feels her biological clock ticking.
Getting panicky, she turns to drink some Elixir of Life.
 Then one day... she has made it.
She has managed to get electric current running through the city again.
Hope gets promoted to Mad Scientist.
 In her recent research, she has also found an insecticide against the bugs that somehow seemed to survive the Apocalypse as well.
 Hope decides to expand her "home", her little shelter.
 Time passes with chess.
It's her new biggest passion.
 Then one Tuesday, Hope decides to risk it all.
She asks Colin to come to her home.
He, as much in love as she is, of course comes.
Their reunion is passionate; she nearly breaks his backbone.
 Of course they get married on the spot.

 No time to waste.
 That night, Hope sleeps in feeling all fuzzy and warm inside.
 Then at work, Hope has a huge technical breakthrough.
She manages to get behind the secret of the Energizer.
It takes your overall happiness and converts it into whatever you need to feel better!
 Slowly, literally brick by brick, Hope and Colin manage to build an upstairs to the shelter.
They install their technical stuff there.
 Colin, not as neat as his wife, solves the hygiene problem by having sponge baths.
Hope would never do such a disgusting thing.
 Hope's belly has grown. Could it be...?
 Colin is leaving the shelter on many days to go out on a "job".
Yeah sure.
As if you could make money with "dancing" in midst of an Apocalypse.
But hey.
Whatever he does there - he comes home with money.
That's all Hope needs to know.
 Hope gives birth to a little baby boy.
Given the world they are living in,
Hope and Colin name the boy Adam.
Welcome to this harsh world,
Adam Apoca.

With the Energizer, Hope stays happy...
but that is because her overall happiness is huge.
Her husband does not get the same effects from it,
to him it is hugely depressing...
Still times are extremely hard...
hunger rules...
hygiene is non-existent...
the infrastructure is destroyed...
life is hard and dull...
... but the Apocas keep hope!

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